Workshop area

We are an AllTrucks partner.

Als AllTrucks-Partner kümmern wir uns Markenunabhängig um die Wartung und Instandsetzung Ihrer Flotte.

Inspection and maintenance

Frequently inspections and maintenance are crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of your vehicles. Our experienced mechanics carry out thorough inspections, check all major components and ensure the proper operation of your fleet.

Engine and drive repairs

Unser Team ist bestens qualifiziert, um Motor- und Antriebsprobleme zu diagnostizieren und effizient zu beheben. Wir verwenden hochwertige Ersatzteile und führen Reparaturen gemäß den Herstellervorgaben durch, um die optimale Leistung Ihrer Flotte wiederherzustellen.

Elektric und Elektronic

Modern commercial vehicles have complex electrical and electronic systems. Our experts are familiar with the latest technologies and can professionally and effectively rectify problems relating to electrics, such as diagnosing faults, cable breaks or electronic control units.

Chassis and brake maintenance

The safe operation of your vehicles requires regular inspection and maintenance of the suspension and brakes. Our workshop offers professional services such as changing brake pads and suspension checks to ensure optimum braking performance and stability.

Air conditioning service

In vehicles, a well-functioning air conditioning system is essential to ensure the comfort of drivers and passengers. We offer air conditioning maintenance, repair and refrigerant charging to ensure that your vehicle's air conditioning system is working efficiently.

Accident repair

Wenn Ihr Fahrzeug in einen Unfall verwickelt war, kümmern wir uns um die fachgerechte Instandsetzung der Karosserie. Wir reparieren Karosserieschäden, tauschen beschädigte Teile aus und sorgen dafür, dass Ihr Fahrzeug wieder in bestmöglichem Zustand ist.

Painting and failing work

We have modern facilities and only use high-quality paints and films to give your vehicle a fresh and attractive look. In addition to paint work, we also offer partial and full wrapping according to your color preferences.

Rust removal and corrosion protection

Rust can affect the structure and appearance of a vehicle. Our coachbuilders effectively remove rust spots, treat the affected areas and protect them from rusting again. This increases the service life and value of your vehicle.

Body customizing and modifications

If you require special adaptations or modifications to the bodywork of your vehicle, we will be happy to help. For example, we can install bodies for specific requirements or adapt the bodywork to suit your individual needs.

Glass service


You can reach our workshop team at:

Workshop foreman Thomas Stoll: 0176 138 93 140

Workshop manager Rolf Kirchheim: 0176 138 93 139

Spare parts sales / warehouse manager Marcus Plath: 0176 138 93 138


You are also welcome to leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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